Transcripts, Transmissions, Transfers
For a start, the peace and quiet means I've been able to transcribe an interview I did about three weeks ago for a women's magazine. I hate transcribing at the best of times, if only because it seems like such a waste of effort. Normally about three-quarters of what I take off the tape ends up not being used. But try doing it with a four-year-old going off in one ear and a six-year-old going off in the other. Not pretty.
With that out of the way the actual writing part of the process was comparatively painless and as of this afternoon I can cross it off my huge To Do list.
I've also seen off the proofs for Just Us, my story in the upcoming Voices anthology. A couple of you have asked when that'll be hitting shelves. That'll be October then.
Work continues to progress on two other submissions I'm tinkering with, but I've also decided to try to branch out into a different direction with something. A couple of scribe pals of mine have been good enough to help me out with this - I'm not allowed to reveal their identities or how they've helped, but they pop in here every now and again, so thanks to you both and I'll be talking to you later!
In the meantime, my author's copies of Transmissions arrived yesterday, all pink and new like little babies. There are a couple of promotional activities for the book you might want to check out here on the web - over on the Doctor Who Forum a number of the writers will be posting short insights into how their stories were written. Think of them as DVD extras if you like. Melbourne writer Dave Hoskin is first out of the blocks, talking about his story iNtRUsioNs, and I'll be putting mine on the site in a couple of days. Just head to the Big Finish area of the forum (it's in the Worlds of Doctor Who section) and it's easy to find from there.
Also editor Richard Salter has provided a look behind the scenes of the book from commissioning to publication in the latest issue of Enlightenment magazine. I've not read it myself yet, but I'll be ordering a copy shortly. You can do the same here.
And to finish, I'd like to express my disappointment - nay, dismay - at the latest shenanigans in the Premier League transfer market. When a team has a shocking defensive record and only managed to salvage anything last season becasue they scored a lot of goals, it makes perfect sense for them to start selling off their top strikers, doesn't it?
God, it sucks being a Spurs fan.