Write on Course
Quite apart from anything else, spending time at Worldcon and meeting with so many excellent writers gave me a much-needed kick up the arse as far as my own writing goes. I've spent the last three weeks at work on a new story (1920s horror, for those keeping track) and have plans for one more each month between now and Christmas... including a redraft of a novella for an online project I'll tell you more about later.
Meanwhile some more pics have emerged of the convention - these taken by the rather splendid Tom Bicknell:
And talking of Scenes, the first review of the book has been posted over at The Specusphere, and it's a positive one:
Meanwhile some more pics have emerged of the convention - these taken by the rather splendid Tom Bicknell:
Signing at the Scenes From the Second Storey launch.
And talking of Scenes, the first review of the book has been posted over at The Specusphere, and it's a positive one:
"Readers who enjoy speculative fiction - and short stories in particular - will revel in this collection that gives glimpses into the human psyche in all its variety."The full review - including commentary on each and every one of the stories in the anthology - can be found on the Specusphere site.