Nominations are now open for the 2011 Tin Duck Awards, the annual gongs for achievements by WA writers and artists as provided by the Western Australian Science Fiction Foundation.
I have a few stories that are eligible for this year's awards, but rather than list them all, I'm taking a leaf out of Felicity Dowker's book and suggesting only one. (Incidentally, if you've read Bread and Circuses - the rather fine story she has asked be nominated for Victoria's Chronos Awards - you really should sling it a vote...)
The story I'd like to put forward is Signature Walk, which appeared in the anthology Sprawl by Twelfth Planet Press. Why that story? Aside from the fact that it's one I'm rather proud of, it's also the most West Australian story I've ever written. I've set stories everywhere from civil war America to 40s Berlin to archaelogical digs on far-future worlds - Signature Walk is the only one I've based right here in Perth.
At this stage in the voting process it's all about getting on the short list, so the more nominations for the story I can get, the better. Once the list is set, there'll be a second round of votes to determine the winner (to be announced at this year's Swancon over Easter).
So if you've read Signature Walk and liked it, do please get along to the Tin Ducks site and vote. The category you're after is Best WA Professional Short Written Work, and the details are:
Nominee: Pete Kempshall
Work: Signature Walk, from Sprawl, Twelfth Planet Press
The first round of voting runs until midnight 13 March.
Here ends the filthy self promotion!
I have a few stories that are eligible for this year's awards, but rather than list them all, I'm taking a leaf out of Felicity Dowker's book and suggesting only one. (Incidentally, if you've read Bread and Circuses - the rather fine story she has asked be nominated for Victoria's Chronos Awards - you really should sling it a vote...)
The story I'd like to put forward is Signature Walk, which appeared in the anthology Sprawl by Twelfth Planet Press. Why that story? Aside from the fact that it's one I'm rather proud of, it's also the most West Australian story I've ever written. I've set stories everywhere from civil war America to 40s Berlin to archaelogical digs on far-future worlds - Signature Walk is the only one I've based right here in Perth.
At this stage in the voting process it's all about getting on the short list, so the more nominations for the story I can get, the better. Once the list is set, there'll be a second round of votes to determine the winner (to be announced at this year's Swancon over Easter).
So if you've read Signature Walk and liked it, do please get along to the Tin Ducks site and vote. The category you're after is Best WA Professional Short Written Work, and the details are:
Nominee: Pete Kempshall
Work: Signature Walk, from Sprawl, Twelfth Planet Press
The first round of voting runs until midnight 13 March.
Here ends the filthy self promotion!