Monday, January 31, 2011


Nominations are now open for the 2011 Tin Duck Awards, the annual gongs for achievements by WA writers and artists as provided by the Western Australian Science Fiction Foundation.

I have a few stories that are eligible for this year's awards, but rather than list them all, I'm taking a leaf out of Felicity Dowker's book and suggesting only one. (Incidentally, if you've read Bread and Circuses - the rather fine story she has asked be nominated for Victoria's Chronos Awards - you really should sling it a vote...)

The story I'd like to put forward is Signature Walk, which appeared in the anthology Sprawl by Twelfth Planet Press. Why that story? Aside from the fact that it's one I'm rather proud of, it's also the most West Australian story I've ever written. I've set stories everywhere from civil war America to 40s Berlin to archaelogical digs on far-future worlds - Signature Walk is the only one I've based right here in Perth.

At this stage in the voting process it's all about getting on the short list, so the more nominations for the story I can get, the better. Once the list is set, there'll be a second round of votes to determine the winner (to be announced at this year's Swancon over Easter).

So if you've read Signature Walk and liked it, do please get along to the Tin Ducks site and vote. The category you're after is Best WA Professional Short Written Work, and the details are:

Nominee: Pete Kempshall
Work: Signature Walk, from Sprawl, Twelfth Planet Press

The first round of voting runs until midnight 13 March.

Here ends the filthy self promotion!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

You Beauty

Beauty Has Her Way (edited by Jennifer Brozek and featuring one of my stories, Someone Else to Play With) is out now, and has already garnered its first online analysis. Reviewer Gayle Grazen gives the book four out of five, and also has some kind words regarding SEtPW:

"A few stories are highly recommended. Pete Kempshall’s Someone Else to Play With is a disturbing dark fantasy featuring an arrogant, conceited protagonist. Its mix of suspense and dark magic are common tropes but the fine characterization makes this particular story stand out. "

The full review can be found here, and you can buy Beauty Has Her Way at the Dark Quest Books website.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dead On

The table of contents for the acceptance I received at the start of the year has now gone public. The collection is Dead Red Heart, a massive book of Australian vampire stories from Ticonderoga Publications, and I'm pleased to be included alongside some very talented individuals indeed.

The full ToC is:

“The Tide”, Martin Livings and friends
“Mutiny on the Scarborough”, Shona Husk
“Sun Falls”, Angela Slatter
“Such is Life”, Jeremy Sadler
“Apolotoi”, Chris Lawson
“Punishment of the Sun”, Alan Baxter
“Red Delicious”, Felicity Dowker
“Just a Matter of Economics”, Yvonne Eve Walus
“Quarantine”, Patty Jansen
“Out of the Grave”, Amanda Pillar
“Desert Blood”, Marty Young
“Thin Air”, Simon Brown
“Kissed by the Sun”, Jodi Cleghorn
“Black Heart”, Joanna Fay
“Renfield's Wife”, Damon Cavalcini
“Listening to Tracy”, Jen White
“Breaking the Drought”, Jay Caselberg
“Children of the Cane”, Jason Nahrung
“The Sea at Night”, Joanne Anderton
“Sky in the Morning”, Sonia Marcon
“Taking it for the Team”, Tracie McBride
“All that Glisters”, Pete Kempshall
“The Rider”, Martin Livings
“Vitality”, George Ivanoff
“Coming Home”, Kathryn Hore
“The Little Red Man”, Ray Gates
“Deathborn Light”, Helen Stubbs
“The Life Stealer”, Donna Maree Hanson
“Behind the Black Mask”, Jacob Edwards
“Interview with the Jiangshi”, Anne Mok
“White and Red in the Black”, Lisa L Hannett
“Lady Yang's Lament”, Penelope Love

Dead Red Heart's out in April, in time for Swancon and you can get more information about it at the Ticonderoga site.

In an effort to balance the karmic books, meanwhile, a story I wrote at the end of last year for another anthology just got the "thanks but no thanks". Honours even for 2011 so far then.