Tuesday, July 10, 2012

World's Collider - out now!

I'm very pleased to announce that World's Collider is now available to buy in ebook and dead-tree formats. It's a 'mosaic novel' - that's to say several short stories that fit together to form a single narrative - and at a monster 468 pages it's been a mammoth undertaking for the editor, Richard Salter. 

The book features stories by James Moran, Trent Zelazny, Steven Savile, and many more besides (yes, that includes me) and can be picked up from the Nightscape Press website, with links up in the next 24 hours for Amazon and the like. But why wait? Kindle edition is only $2.99 and you can have it right now. Yes, now!

And while you're waiting for the download, you can read Richard Salter's list of strange facts about the book, or the round-table interview he conducted last week with the majority of the writers.  

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Bloodstones story sale

The table of contents for Ticonderoga’s latest anthology, Bloodstones, has just been announced, which means I can now reveal that my story Dead Inside has been selected for publication. It’s one of 17 tales of dark urban fantasy, each featuring a monster or mythological creature in a pivotal role. I’m not going to reveal which creature I chose for my story – not just yet – but in the tradition of obscure tasters, the story features the words ‘intinerant’, ‘malodorous’ and ‘demonic’.

The collection is edited by Amanda Pillar, with whom I was lucky enough to work on Scenes From the Second Storey, and is jam-packed with the kind of talent that makes one genuinely excited to be involved. I’ll post updates on release times and availability when I have them – in the meanwhile, you can see the full ToC at the Ticonderoga website.

[Incidentally, Dead Inside is the second of the three stories I wrote back-to-back over the last couple of months, and the second to be sold. The third didn’t make it into the publication it was pitched for, but as hit rates go, I’m pretty happy!]