Friday, February 19, 2010

E News

Hot on the heels of the book finally being available to buy from Amazon, you can now grab a copy of Grants Pass in e-book form as a Kindle edition. Me, I prefer good old-fashioned paper, but if you've been having trouble laying hands on a copy, or if you just want it right now, you know what to do.

Meanwhile, Amanda Pillar has been interviewed as part of the 2010 Snapshot of Australian Speculative Fiction. Amongst other things she talks about Grants Pass and Scenes From the Second Storey, and you can read the whole interview here.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Scenes From The Second Storey: Contributors and Cover Revealed

The book I've been working on with Amanda Pillar since last August has just been properly announced by Morrigan Books. Here's the cover and the official blurb that goes with it:

Inspired Stories by Aussie Authors

Each story in the Scenes from the Second Storey anthology was inspired by a track from The God Machine’s album. Quirky, dark, insightful and sometimes downright disturbing, these tales reflect the emotions and images our authors experienced when they heard ‘their’ song from Scenes from the Second Storey.

In Scenes, you will meet a girl struggling to find cleanliness in a world full of corruption with Kaaron Warren; follow the twisted mental pathways of the egocentric with Robert Hood; watch two men search for enlightenment down a dark path with Paul Haines; and dance with a girl struggling to find her role within society with Cat Sparks.

These snippets are a mere taste of what you will discover between the covers of this anthology. If you love The God Machine or are looking for a collection that boasts a stable of talented Australian writers, you must grab a copy of Scenes.

PUBLICATION DATE: September 2010

Scenes from the Second Storey


Dream Machine - David Conyers

She Said - Kirstyn McDermott

The Blind Man - Felicity Dowker

I’ve Seen The Man - Paul Haines

The Desert Song - Andrew McKiernan

Home - Martin Livings

It’s All Over - L.J. Hayward

Temptation - Trent Jamieson

Out - Stephen Dedman

Ego - Robert Hood

Seven - Stephanie Campisi

Purity - Kaaron Warren

The Piano Song - Cat Sparks

After so many months of working with such a great group of writers, it's good to be able to credit them at last. They all worked their socks off to contribute to what I believe is a very fine book indeed. As you can find out for yourself in September ...

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Grants on Amazon

If you're based outside the US and you've been having trouble getting hold of Grants Pass in all its Stoker nominated goodness, help is at hand. The book's now available to buy on Amazon, which should put paid to some of those distribution issues. Hurrah!

(Forgot to add that Amazon UK has it here.)

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Brief Encounters News

Just a quick heads-up - Close Encounters of the Urban Kind is now available for pre-order, at a get-in-early discount price of US$15.95.

The book's out on April 4.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010


Just a quickie, because this has already been posted all over Facebook and suchlike ...

For thems that don't know, the Bram Stoker Awards (Stokers) are presented annually by the Horror Writers Association in the US for "superior achievement" in horror writing. They're a reasonably big deal in horror circles, which makes it pretty bloody impressive that Grants Pass has been shortlisted in the Preliminary Ballot for Superior Achievement in an Anthology.

Big congrats to Amanda and Jennifer (our editors), publisher Mark and everyone who contributed - it's certainly something to be proud of. Kudos too to Kaaron Warren and Shane Jiraiya Cummings (and by extension Andrew McKiernan!) for their individual nominations. Talented bunch!

I'm not sure when the final votes are cast, but in the meantime you can check out the full list of candidates right here.