This time last week saw Damnation and Dames get the equivalent of a bottle of champagne smashed across its bow, when it had its official launch. Scheduled for release as part of this year's Swancon programme, the paranormal noir anthology was sent out into the world by one of the guests of honour at the convention, Marianne de Pierres, alongside the brilliant publisher/editor team from Ticonderoga Books, Russell Farr and Liz Gryzb.
I was very pleased to be asked along to help out, and as well as scribbling in some copies of the book, I was persuaded to do an impromtu reading from my story Sound and Fury. Given that I was on the brink of a bout of flu that ended up wiping out most of the next week (which is why this blog post is so very late...) it was a relief to get through the excerpt without coughing up internal organs midway through. Not the kind of horror the audience had signed up for.
So, a big thanks to everyone who attended and bought copies of the shiny new book - for anybody who wants to pick one up for themselves, you can order one direct from Ticonderoga or (quite soon, as I understand it) the Book Depository and Amazon.
From left: Russell Farr, Liz Gryzb, myself, Marianne de Pierres.
Reading from Sound and Fury.
(Pictures courtesy Liz Gryzb)