Top Gear
Birthdays are a bit more fun with the littlies, though - I let them unwrap my presents this morning because they love doing it so much. Amongst the gifts from relatives here and in the UK (thanks, everyone) were DVDs, some rather good books, alcohol and a shirt. There was also a CD of big-haired rock from my wife - it's by a band I'd not heard since my teens, then one of their tunes turned up in a TV show we were watching a few months ago. Not going to say who the band are, but the album title has a year in it ... and if you can guess it from that you're as tragic as I am.
Special noodles for lunch with my good lady, and there's cake and candles still to come - another birthday tradition that's better for its mesmeric effect on children. And then tomorrow it's back to work. That draft's not going to write itself ...