I wouldn't normally post something like this, but I've been so moved by the tales of woe from Tyranny-followers Ruby Tuesday and Reality Chick that it would be wrong not to share this information with them. Girls, forget all this talk of a man drought, it's no longer a good excuse.
New figures show that there is not a shortage of men in WA but a dearth of women - and the situation is getting worse.
There are now 1.035 million men in WA compared with 1.026 million women, a mismatch between the sexes of 9397.
Just over a year ago, the difference was 6461 suggesting that the overall strength of the economy is sucking more men into WA than women.
The West Australian, 23 March
All right, so a man surplus of 9397 isn't huge, but it's still a surplus and it's growing. BA have flights for 2,283 pounds, Ms Tuesday, while Virgin Blue will get Reality Chick's lot over from Sydney for a far more affordable $309. Get packing.There you go then: good deed done, warm feeling inside achieved.Tyranny of the Blank Page is sponsored by Tourism WA. Ladies should note that available men may be located in small mining settlements several hundred miles from civilisation.