Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Nom nom nom

Found out this morning that I've been nominated for a Ditmar Award. Which is a bit of a shock.

My name's on the final ballot in the Best New Talent category, and the winner will be announced in September at WorldCon in Melbourne. Fortunately I've already booked my tickets to the convention (on other business) so I'll be able to toddle along and see how it turns out.

I've got to say that while I did pimp myself for votes last month, I didn't really expect to make the final cut - not when I only had two stories out in the eligible-for-entry period. And now that I've seen the list of other nominees, I'm even more surprised to be on it. The full list for the category is:

Pete Kempshall
Kathleen Jennings
Thoraiya Dyer
Jason Fischer
Simon Petrie
Christopher Green
Peter M. Ball

Which puts my chances firmly in the "slim-to-none" bracket, but like the Kiwis in the World Cup, I'm just happy to be there. Meanwhile I'm particularly pleased that fellow AHWA Crit Grouper Chris Green made it - the man's got talent to burn. Marty Young has also made it onto the form for Best Short Story (another Critter), as did Kaaron Warren for the excellent Slights. A big hooray too for Ian Mond, who got a nomination in the William Atheling Jr Award for Criticism or Review. By all means have a gander at the complete ballot form for more details.

I'll be looking into the cans and can'ts of voting, and I'll post here once I've deciphered it. Apparently you need to be a member of Dudcon to be eligible ... whatever that is.


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