Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Idle Hands

Apologies for the larger than usual gap in posts - I fell off the wagon yesterday.

Nine months without, only to give in to temptation, just like that.

Easily done, when you think about it. Went to a party at the weekend where I saw a group of youngsters doing it, and it got me thinking about the good times I'd had before packing it in, ostensibly for good.

Then, finding myself with a bit of free time the next day and nothing to fill it, all it took was a trip to the city to buy some gear and that was that - a whole 24 hour period erased. Gone. Wife, kids, none of it mattered.

Rest assured, though, I'm coming out the other side again now. After tomorrow, no more shooting up. Finished. Done. Game over.

All assuming my wife doesn't simply smash the bloody XBox first.


Blogger Peter Pan said...

Which reminds me ..... I need to get in my Quidditch practice for the world cup.

8:43 PM  
Blogger Pete Kempshall said...

It's blasting the evil Empire to atoms on Star Wars: Battlefront for me.

There's something faintly therapeutic about it ...

3:21 PM  

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